Olaf Kiener, Dr. iur., has been eager to provide first-class legal services to his domestic as well as international clients since 1999 with a focus on business law and private wealth. To cope with the increasing number of clients, Olaf Kiener invited Roland Märki MLaw in 2017 to join him in the law firm Kiener Advokatur AG.
Our aim is to offer local and foreign clients and immigrants a broad scope of excellent legal services in relation of business law and private wealth issues. Our lawyers are keen to make best efforts to comply with traditional Swiss virtues like reliability, hard work, modesty and discreetness. Not we, but our clients shall be in the centre of our services. Our lawyers have a Swiss background, but are experienced in international matters and are multilingual with a special focus on Russian issues. We have excellent networks both locally and internationally which we gladly offer to our clients.
+41 44 218 51 15
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Thank you for your visit. Since 9 April 2021 we have been operating under the name Kiener & Märki AG. You are being automatically redirected to our current website www.kmag.ch within a few moments.
Благодарим за посещение нашего сайта. С 9 апреля 2021 года мы работаем под названием Kiener & Märki AG. Через несколько секунд Вы будете автоматически перенаправлены на наш текущий сайт www.kmag.ch.